
Accenture, Akademia Retoryki, Akademia Liderek Henryki Bochniarz, British Council, Coca-Cola, Demagog, Executive MBA University of Warsaw, European Design Festival, European Commission, Mastercard, National Bank of Poland, Warsaw Bar Association, Philips, Polskie Towarzystwo Badaczy Rynku i Opinii, Siemens, Szkoła Liderów, Wilhelmsen

Cooperation areas:

  • business trainings for teams and individuals

  • communication strategy building

  • social campaign planning

  • preparing grant applications

Academic partners

University of Fribourg, College of Europe, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, New York University Abu Dhabi, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw University of Technology, University of Warsaw

Selected projects:

[AMoRe] An Argumentative Model of Rephrase: Pragmatic and Rhetorical Approach

Research assistant position at The New Ethos Lab, Warsaw University of Technology and University of Fribourg cooperation within OPUS-LAP program of the Polish National Science Center (NCN) and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

[Con2Con] From Controversy to Consensus: An Insight into Conflicts in online Public Discourse

Evaluating trust mining guidelines and Natural Language Processing techniques to ensure their applicability to social science theoretical framework, annotating corpora of digital political communication within Warsaw University of Technology and University of Warsaw Research Excellence Initiative.

[DeLab] Deliberation Laboratory

Constructing, elaborating and implementing annotation schemes and guidelines for ethos analysis. and analyse its’ persuasive role in argumentative discourses. Cooperation with New Ethos Lab within “Artificial Intelligence - Its Effects on Tomorrow’s Society’ project funded by VolkswagenStiftung.

Measuring Impact of Debate as an Educational Tool: Evidence from High Schools in Poland

Leading investigator of research on innovative educational methods run by New York University-Abu Dhabi, Collegio Carlo Alberto and University of Warsaw, managing team of 40 coaches.

Innovate debate: an applied curriculum for debate based youth work (IDAC)

Management of research (surveys, focus group interviews and source analysis), supporting overall project development in 7 countries to compare and exchange formal and informal civic education methods in cooperation with Hrvatsko debatno društvo and Institute for Social Research in Zagreb within Erasmus+ program.