
  • "Ethos and Pathos in Online Group Discussions: Corpora for Polarisation Issues in Social Media", with Ewelina Gajewska et al., Computation and Language, arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.04889, 2024

  • “Parliamentary debates in times of military conflict in Ukraine - temporal analysis of emotions”, with Ewelina Gajewska, ParlaMint corpora analysis, Institute of Computer Science Polish Academy of Sciences, 2024

  • "Unia Komunikacyjna", Res Publica i Onet

  • "Męskie wybory", Res Publica Nowa i Onet

  • "Aj, aj, AI – oswoić sztuczną inteligencję", Res Publica Nowa i Onet

  • "Odnowa TVP nie wystarczy", Res Publica Nowa 3/2023

  • "Dlaczego w Polsce nie ma realnej debaty i co na tym tracimy", with dr hab. Jacek Wasilewski, Polityka

  • "Debata sportowa w międzynarodowej perspektywie", Debata. Retoryka dla demokracji, red. Agnieszka Budzyńska-Daca, Ewa Modrzejewska, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2023

  • “Qualitative and quantitative evidence for linguistic and discursive features of rephrase", Proceedings of 4th European Conference on Argumentation - The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, with Marcin Koszowy, 2023

  • "Grounding and Theory: A Process-Oriented Approach to Framing”, Framing in Communication: From Theories to Computation, with Maud Oostindie, Anette Frank, Marcin Koszowy, John Parkinson, Andrea Rocci and Joanna Skolimowska, 2022

  • “Debate as an educational tool in museum space – Main principles and good practices of successful debate education“, Museums as deliberative spaces: engaging audiences through debating in Eastern and Central European museums. Mapping and diagnosis monograph, 2021

  • “Obama, czyli optymizm”, review of “A Promised Land” by Barack Obama, Kultura Liberalna, 2021

  • "Niepodległa Polska – nowoczesna literatura?", with Zbigniew Jazienicki, Józef Piłsudski Museum, 2020

  • "Wygrywanie debat", translation of "Winning Debates" into Polish, 2013


  • "AI-Facilitated Emotion Analysis: Pathways and Challenges", Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence, University of Cambridge 2024

  • "How to appeal to fear in fearful context?", with Barbara Konat, Human Tech Transition, International Communication Association regional conference, Warsaw 2024

  • “Wykrywanie wartości sygnalizowanych w komunikacji wizualnej”, Sploty Kultury, Białystok 2023

  • "Messenger is the message? Charisma in new media", XIV Methodological Conference of Media Studies, University of Warsaw 2023

  • "Argumentative strategies to (re)position speaker's ethos", International Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference, Leiden 2023

  • "Linguistic and visual markers of ethos in social media", European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis Closing Conference (Young Scholars Roundtable), Lisbon 2023

  • “How to establish a Commission on Presidential Debates in Poland”, Kongres Instytutu Dyskursu i Dialogu, 2022

  • “Challenges and prospects of online political advertisement regulation”, Democratic values in media systems, University of Warsaw, 2022

  • "Young auditoria preferences towards political leaders”, XIII Methodological Conference of Media Studies, University of Warsaw, 2022

  • “Argumentation and public speaking in eyes of various disciplines”, Logos, ethos, patos, Polish Rhetorical Association and ArgDiaP Association, MSC University, Lublin 2022

  • “Trust Analytics in Digital Rhetoric”, 4th European Conference on Argumentation The cognitive dimension of social argumentation, University of Roma Tre (Italy), 2022

  • “Framing evaluation in practice: towards computational approach”, Framing in Communication: From Theories to Computation , Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH (Germany), 2022

  • “Ethos and Trust in Explainable AI”, Trust in Artificial Intelligence systems, Warsaw University of Technology 2021

  • “Dynamika i retoryka debaty politycznej na polskim Twitterze: studium przypadku”, Język i media, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny in Krakow, 2021

  • Jak rozmawiać, żeby się dogadać z Generacją Z , Open Eyes Economy Summit, Kraków 2021

  • “Debaty jako narzędzie podnoszenia kompetencji uczniów”, Odyssey Conference, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2020

  • "Czy marketing wzmacnia podziały społeczne w Polsce?", Kongres Badaczy, PTBRIO, 2018

  • “Contingency of Language and Rethinking Prejudgments as a Basis for Social Order”, Tolerance, Solidarity, and Respect: Questioning the Principles of Social Order and Education, University of Warsaw, Arizona State University (USA), Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) and International Institute for Hermeneutics, 2018